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We are committed to providing first-class customer support.

Our expert team is on hand to help make sure you get the most from your Civica products and services.

Community Care Solutions

Get support for the Carelink Suite of products including:

  1. CarelinkPlus
  2. CarelinkCloud
  3. CarelinkAir
  4. CarelinkGo
  5. CarelinkConnect
  6. CarelinkMobile
  7. CarelinkOnline

Contact Care Support

Private Health Insurance Solutions

Get support services for Civica Private Health Insurance products including:

  1. NewHealth PHI
  2. NewHealth Overseas Visitors Health Cover
  3. ECFWeb - Hospital Online Eligibility Check

Contact Health Support

Health Solutions

Get support services for Civica Health products including:

  1. Civica Experience
  2. Civica Engage
  3. Cito
  4. CostMaster

Contact Health Support

Civica Dox
  • Civica Services Desk – lodge or enquire on a support ticket.

  • Phone: +617 3117 096 – please have your support ticket ready – All support request needs to be lodge online first.

Case and Compliant Management (iCasework)

Get support services for Civica's iCasework, case and complaint management solution.

Contact iCasework Support

Education Solutions

Get support and documentation for Civica Education products including:

  1. Civica Education Suite
  2. Maze
  3. igloo
  4. iWise

Contact Education Support

Library Solutions

Get support services for Spydus and library solutions.

Local Government Solutions (Authority and Practical Plus)

Get support for Local Government solutions including:

  1. Authority and Authority Altitude
  2. Authority BIS
  3. Practical Plus
  4. Mastersuite
  5. Cloud & Managed Services

Contact Support

Freight Forwarding Solutions (FreightPac)

Get support services for FreightPac.

Please contact your government or school district organisation directly for help or questions about Civica products or services. If necessary, they will reach out to us for client support.

Civica is a global GovTech champion with 22 years of solid year-on-year growth. Over 5,000 public bodies globally use our software to help provide critical services to over 100 million citizens. From local government to central government, to education, to health and care.

Civica marks exciting new chapter for growth with Blackstone

Civica secures backing for growth strategy and vision to become a global GovTech champion

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