When you think of Alexa, Siri, Cortana or even the new kid on the block, Florence, you can be forgiven to think that bots have become a seamless extension into our everyday lives. The truth is, they have.
Chatbot technology, first launched 50 years ago in a Massachusetts Institute of Technology lab, is not new. Adoption has sky rocketed with 100 million smart home devices connected to Alexa and growing. But is it a technology that can really enhance public services?
In volume 2 of Perspectives*, we delve into the world of bots, and explore:
- The main types of bot available
- The three biggest impact areas where the technology is helping
- The current drivers and positive impact stories across health and care, local government, education, housing and central government
- Why now is the time to act
- A three-step guide to help you drive the maximum value
Emma Jackson,
Digital Programme Manager,
Monmouthshire Council
We have found that people have used our chatbot because they want to maintain anonymity. It enables citizens to access information about sensitive areas like homelessness or food banks without needing to present face-to-face.