
We help organisations become insight-driven; identifying and managing risk, easing the burden of regulatory compliance and improve customer insight

Business and technology leaders are increasingly aware of the business value of data-driven insights to help tackle business challenges.

Yet organisations are struggling to deliver the analytical capabilities they require to drive revenue, reduce costs and create a great customer experience.

To support this, Civica provides a broad range of services throughout the data-to-insights value chain; building, hosting and managing data analytics solutions that enable organisations to become insight-driven.

The difference we make...

Understand your customers better

Identify and manage risk and prevent fraud

Improve operational efficiency, services and products

Why choose us?

  • Expert capabilities throughout the data value chain
  • In-house data analytics and data science skills
  • Experts in agile approaches to delivering analytics solutions
  • Knowledge of a range of delivery/deployment models
  • Subject matter experts and thought leaders who focus on analytics consultancy and delivery
  • Our own proven analytics frameworks and methods
  • Ability to scale
  • Our size ensures we are responsive
  • Portfolio of successful analytics projects
  • Expertise and best practices across a range of different functional areas and industries

Joey Withers,

Technical Data Warehouse Manager,


Civica was an impressive and knowledgeable partner that enabled us to kick-start our BI capability. What was particularly impressive was the way they came in to work with us at the very beginning of our journey and helped us take great strides, following best practice.

Civica - the trusted digital partner for...