Civica Declare, our governance software, enables NHS staff declarations of interest to be captured and published – delivering greater transparency and trust
The 2017 NHS England Guidance on managing conflicts of interest places renewed emphasis on all employees, not just decision-makers to declare gifts, donations, hospitality and anything that could be perceived to be a potential conflict of interest. For health organisations, the challenge is finding the time to dedicate to this time-consuming but important task.
Our fully integrated end-to-end solution helps NHS providers and commissioners to comply fully with conflicts of interest regulations, while saving time and money. Already implemented in 50+ NHS organisations, Civica Declare provides the public transparency required to deliver good governance and greater trust.
Delivering improved outcomes for all your stakeholders
- Enables your employees to make their declarations digitally, quickly and easily on any device.
- Transparent, real-time public reporting helps increase public confidence in decision-making and where taxpayers’ money is spent.
- Corporate secretaries can be confident that Civica Declare meets the statutory regulations in full.
- Innovative tools and enhanced functionality, co-created with our user community, deliver increased efficiencies and reduce admin tasks.
Why choose Civica Declare
Saves time and money
Meets statutory guidance in full, improving compliance
Co-created with sector, continuously enhanced
Key features:
- Integrates with NHS Electronic Staff Records - update Civica Declare directly from your ESR system.
- Quick and easy data segmentation and analysis - drill down and view data for different groups and bandings, analyse compliance levels across your organisation, and report clearly and concisely.
- Whistleblowing and breach investigation tools - raise any concerns confidently and confidentially, in line with NHS England’s guidance.
- Intuitive administrative interface and dashboards - quickly run reports for a real-time organisation-wide view of employee declarations, management of local decision-making groups and KPIs.
- Real-time public reporting and web integration - Capture and publish declarations online, embed specific report pages, to meet reporting requirements and ensure transparency.
- Accessible from any device; PC, tablet or smartphone
- Capture and publish declarations with confidence
- ISO27001, ISO9001 and Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) accredited supplier
- Be part of the user community - contribute to Declare’s ongoing development, ensuring the platform is delivering exactly what you need.
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
We have worked with Civica Engagement Solutions for a number of years and most recently they implemented our new Conflicts of Interest software (Declare). The user groups that Civica has set up harbour a spirit of joint-working and collaboration that has built a strong and collaborative relationship.
Watch our Civica Declare animation
NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB increase declaration compliance from 30% to 96%
Learn how Civica Declare helped the ICB to save time and increase compliance and transparency.
Download case study
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