26 Currently showing results
Operations management
Civica Education Operations helps you manage compliance, risks and streamline operations to benefit your students and staff.
Meeting management
We are making it easy to coordinate meetings and ensure transparency while complying with governance rules.
Civica Education Suite - School management system
The Civica Education Suite (CES) is Civica’s newest cloud hosted and 100% web-based solution for Australian schools.
Spydus Integrated Library Management System
Spydus is a complete hosted integrated library management system including archive and digital asset management, patron discovery, analytics, mobile working, and event management.
Coldharbour - Home, Residential and Domiciliary Care Software
A care management software controls costs and delivers better outcomes for residential and community care sectors.
Civica Ensure - Health Insurance Software
Strengthen member connections with Civica Ensure, our Cloud-enabled health insurance platform. Building stronger relationships with your members.
Catering Management
Enabling caterers to provide safe, nutritious and cost effective meals efficiently
Patient level costing
Patient Level Information and Costing Solution (PLICS), enables end-to-end cost reporting and management for your key decision-makers.
Housing Management Software
Connecting employees & customers to deliver better & responsive services across Social Housing.
Educational Consultancy
Aligning learning strategy with performance objectives
Civica eLearning Content
eLearning and microlearning content that increases engagement and enhances learning experiences
Learning management systems
Empower your people with the knowledge and skills needed to improve performance outcomes
Currently showing results 12 of System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Civica.Features.Website.SoftwareAndServices.Models.SoftwareAndServicesHit]