Help your people and organisation to work better
From hiring to training, payroll to talent management, Civica enhances your people processes. We can help you find new talent, keep people engaged and take away the admin from HR.
Our solutions can:
- Get the best jobseekers into posts faster
- Empower people with new knowledge and skills
- Improve collaboration and productivity
- Reduce HR and payroll admin time by 75%
- Streamline occupational health checks
- Support efficient health and safety compliance
- Collect and respond to employee feedback
- Automate and manage pension processes
New financials and HRP Civica system for Hyndburn
Hyndburn chooses Civica cloud software to support greener, more integrated approach
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Enhance employees onboarding for best success
Organisations need to onboard employees effectively if we’re to retain the best people says Civica’s Howard Watson
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GovTech trends: 2023
In volume 6 of Perspectives* we share our new trends for 2023 and explore how we can build a stronger and more inclusive future
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