19 Currently showing results
Master data management
Empowering a complete, accurate and shareable view of data to help you deliver better, more cost-effective services
Electronic document and records management
Our Electronic Health and Medical record Software [EMR] powers a real-time single view of each patient by unifying & structuring clinical data.
Patient level costing
Patient Level Information and Costing Solution (PLICS), enables end-to-end cost reporting and management for your key decision-makers.
Community services scheduling
Civica Scheduling helps community services manage capacity and demand with intelligent scheduling.
Educational Consultancy
Aligning learning strategy with performance objectives
Civica eLearning Content
eLearning and microlearning content that increases engagement and enhances learning experiences
Learning management systems
Empower your people with the knowledge and skills needed to improve performance outcomes
Patient experience software
Harnessing patient feedback to improve care
Patient clinical pathways
Civica Clinical Pathways provides clinicians with data to effectively manage patient pathways and improve care.
eLearning courses
Ready to go eLearning courses. Providing learners with essential skills and industry specific knowledge.
Assessment management
Momentum AMS helps improve care with standardized healthcare assessment software.
Electronic prescribing
Civica Prescribing ensures safety and efficiency for prescribing and medicine administration.
Currently showing results 12 of System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Civica.Features.Website.SoftwareAndServices.Models.SoftwareAndServicesHit]